

GRC3200R 2G/3G/4G gateway

GRC3200R is industrial 2G/LTE serial device server, gateway plus PLC(programmable logic controller) device developed for automation, IoT, machine to machine applications where all communication, control, monitoring features are implemented so that necessary features are implemented into one device. This makes applications more robust, easily configured, controlled and also the total cost is reduced.

Basic operation of this device is two-way transparent data communication between any serial device connected to serial port of it to TCP/UDP socket connection establised via GSM data service as GPRS, and/or LTE Cat-1.  When LTE service is unavailable, device swithes data service to 2G without any connection loss that is called LTE with 2G fallback.

In order to use GSM data service, appropirate mini SIM card with desired data subscription from GSM provider must be used. Device does not have any dedicated provider, service, etc limitation.

Because of the transparent operation mode, there is no need for any communicaiton protocol for the device. The only protocol to deal with is the serially connected unit. So, you can monitor, control any device far from its location where there is internet. This makes GRC3200R as plug and play product.

Regarding transparent communication feature, it also has digital and analogue inputs and digital outputs. The quantity of these inputs and outputs are adequate for most of the applications. Any SCADA, central software, etc can be used based on ModbusRTU/TCP/UDP protocol for I/O operations.

Some of critical usage scenarios consist of controlling one input from remote output directly without any central connection in terms of reliabity and speed. We have developed a custom mode for this purpose that we called I/O Extender feature. When, two GRC3200R paired to each other, the all input states of the devices are mirrored to the outputs of the other device biderationally and instantly. In this mode there may not be any SCADA, etc software operation.

Our product also has a PLC(programmable logic controller) feature option so that I/O controlling can be made locally, fast and reliable. In addition to basic PLC logic blocks, custom type blocks for GSM connection,etc also available to use so that flexibilty for usage scenarios can be achieved.

When the user intervention is important for the field, SMS may be the most accurate solution for such situation. Our device have SMS monitoring and controlling options with RTC(real time clock information). Any logic change in digital inputs and alarm changes in analog inputs(based on configured alarm value) can be send via SMS to 10 different GSM phone numbers. All digital, analog inputs can be configured seperately for each of the numbers.

Also, outputs can be controlled via SMS with one unique GSM number and status information for all inputs and outputs can be requested remotely.

Serial port communication is compatible with IEC62056-21  protocol for automatic meter reading (AMR) applications.

    • Bidirectional data communication(transparent operation)

    • Two TCP or UDP socket connection available.

    • 2G and LTE data communication options (seamless LTE with 2G fallback).

    • PLC(Programmable Logic Controller) option can be used.

    • RTC(Real time clock)

    • Adjustable RS232/RS485 serial port.

    • RS485 half duplex automatic telegram selection.

    • 6.5-30V DC power supply input.

    • 4 optical isolated digital input.

    • 4 normally open(relay) digital output.

    • 0-20mA ve 0-10V analogue input.

    • IEC62056-21 compatible serial communicaiton for automatic meter reading(AMR) applications.

    • IO Extender operating mode(mirroring inputs to second device bidirectionally).

    • Modbus RTU/TCP/UDP protocol for I/O monitoring, control and PLC functions.

    • Monitoring 0-1 transition of digital inputs.

    • All digital and analog inputs can be monitored and controlled via SMS.

    • Alarm value for analog inputs for SMS monitoring.

    • SMS options for inputs cana be turned off/on.

    • Inputs can be send via SMS to 10 different GSM phone numbers.

    • Input SMS-phone pairing can be done seperately.

    • SMS content can be entered.

    • Outputs can be set/reset remotely over one GSM number.

    • GSM signal level can be monitored locally and remotely.

    • Free PC and Android application for local and remote setup and monitoring.

    • Connection is 5.08 mm screw type.

    • GRC3200R can be directly mounted to DIN rail.

    • Operating remperature: -40 - + 85°C

    • Mini SIM (2FF) connector.

Some of the applications that can be implemented with GRC3200R:

  • Serial device server (Connecting a serial device to any SCADA app)
  • Energy analyzser monitoring
  • Remote automatic meter reading
  • PLC applications
  • Temperature-humidity monitoring
  • SMS I/O monitoring (receiving SMS while I/O status change)
  • Remote I/O control (using Modbus protocol or via SMS) 
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GRC3200R Uygulama

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